Spirit Medical System Group

Spirit Medical Systems Group (SMSG) understands that as a facility, your success is a financial balance between high-quality patient care and a cost-effective delivery of that service.

It is with that balance in mind, that we set out to design and manufacture products and provide services that exceed our customers' expectations. We provide better and more cost effective tools to help you care for your patients. Through our continuing and evolving improvements in quality and design, we build lasting customer relationships that endure and pass the test of time.

Rehabilitation technologies that address a multitude of patient deficiencies are the focus of our efforts. From range-of-motion deficits, neuromuscular disorders, or therapeutic exercise, to orthopedic and gait training – we use our experience, extensive academic partnerships, and clinical collaborations to help transform healthcare worldwide by improving treatment efficiency and outcomes, expanding access, and enhancing value.

A key part of our mission is driven by the passion and commitment to excellence that our employees demonstrate through all departments, manufacturing stages and processes.

We are fully dedicated to the basic and time-honored principle that service matters too. Maintaining your products is an equally high priority as manufacturing them. Throughout our entire distribution network, you will find an outstanding team of service engineers – both in the United States and across the globe – you can always rely on.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about our products.

Contact Us

Stadsheide 3

3500 Hasselt


Tel: +32 11 76 70 12


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